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and products? Check out our reviews! Having a problem with one of our products? Check out
our problem reports and our how to pages to see if the solution is already known. You can
report problems and work-arounds too. Have a feature or product you'd like us to work on?
Let us know! Vote for features and problems that you want to see fixed soon!
You can follow Canitag Apps N Crafts on Twitter.We're
not all that chatty -- we won't overwhelm you. We just announce events we think are
When we read a submission from one of our community, we will evaluate it to determine whether
it sounds like genuine or whether it is unintelligible, spam or otherwise inappropriate. Genuine
submissions are tagged with a rating (G=civil tone, X=not fit for tender ears). Other submissions
are deleted. We also delete submissions to manage our website size and performance.
Note: We read as much of your input as we can, but we are limited in our available
time. Problem reports get top priority, then feature and product requests. Helpful hints and
reviews are lowest priority. If you are willing to risk obnoxious content, you can search for
unrated submissions or ask to read everything.
Latest News
We're about to submit Weave Calculator and Craft Measure for Windows Phone 7 to
the Windows Phone marketplace.